



Two multinational corporations have announced a new collaboration to create energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for data centers as the market experiences significant growth. 

埃克森美孚和英特尔正在努力设计, 测试, research and develop new liquid cooling technologies to optimize data center performance and help customers meet their sustainability goals. 在数据中心中,液体冷却解决方案可以替代传统的空气冷却方法. 

“Our partnership with 埃克森美孚 to co-develop turnkey solutions for liquid cooling will enable significant energy and water savings for data center and network deployments,珍·赫夫斯特勒说, 首席产品可持续发展官, 英特尔. 

根据咨询公司麦肯锡的说法, “一个超大规模的数据中心可以使用多达80倍的电力,000户家庭,,预计这一需求将继续飙升. 美国的电力消耗.S. 到2030年,数据中心市场预计将达到35吉瓦(GW), 高于2022年的17gw,根据…… 麦肯锡的分析. 人工智能和机器学习, 其他先进的计算技术正在增加计算工作量, 作为回报, 电力需求增加. 因此,公司正在寻找支持这种增长的解决方案.  

埃克森美孚去年推出了其完整的数据中心浸入式流体产品组合. 与英特尔的合作将使他们能够进一步推进他们在这个市场的努力. 

“By integrating 埃克森美孚’s proven expertise in liquid cooling technologies with 英特尔’s long legacy of industry leadership in world-changing computing technologies, 在向液冷技术过渡的过程中,Hga010皇冠软件下载将共同推动行业的采用和接受,莎拉·霍恩说, 副总统, 埃克森美孚. 

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在太阳能发电和风能发电能力方面处于全国领先地位, 不可否认,德州已经成为可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载的中心. 作为世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, 休斯顿一直走在该州成功的前沿, 连续中标重大项目.  根据合作伙伴的休斯顿事实报告, 该地区的可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载产业占近13%,2022年将有1000个工作岗位. 促进该领域的发展,提升休斯顿在全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型中的领导地位, 大休斯顿伙伴关系正在积极努力吸引可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载公司到该地区, 协助搬迁及扩建工程. 根据伙伴关系分析, 该组织在2018年至2023年期间赢得的皇冠HGA010官方下载转型项目数量增加了400%.  该伙伴关系最近协助该地区赢得了几个重大项目, 包括可再生零件, 一家风力涡轮机供应链和翻新公司. The company announced it selected Humble for the location of its new parts recirculation workshop to meet the growing demand in the North American market. 新工厂预计将创造至少18个就业岗位,资本支出为70万美元.   “作为一家企业,靠近休斯顿对Hga010皇冠软件下载来说很重要, 因为德州拥有蓬勃发展的风能产业和丰富的涡轮机,Hga010皇冠软件下载在这方面有丰富的经验,迈克尔·福布斯说。, 可再生零部件美国总统, "and Houston is widely considered the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Capital of the World - a great opportunity for us to find good people and collaborate with some of the many great businesses that are located there."  可再生零件公司是众多选择向休斯顿郊区扩张的国际公司之一, attracted by the ample space for large-scale facilities and the close proximity to Houston's major transportation hubs, 包括休斯顿港和乔治布什洲际机场.  “可再生零部件公司决定在Humble建立北美皇冠HGA010官方下载, 德州, 进一步证明了休斯顿地区强大的基础设施, 熟练的劳动力和无与伦比的行业专业知识,克雷格·罗兹说, 高级副总裁经济发展, 大休斯顿伙伴关系. “这个新设施将支持当地经济,并有助于推动北美可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载的发展."  Triveni涡轮机, 一家印度制造公司, 组装和修理发电旋转设备是上个月合作伙伴关系的另一项重大胜利. 该公司最近签署了一份租赁合同,000平方英尺的办公和制造空间,位于休斯敦西北部,靠近FM 529. 该工厂将创造40个就业岗位,并有可能在三到五年内进一步扩大.  另外, 帝国之星太阳能, 这是一家在亚洲和柬埔寨都有皇冠HGA010官方下载的太阳能制造商, 将开设第一家美国.S. 位于Tomball交汇处249商业园区的制造工厂. 据《皇冠HGA010官方下载》(Houston Business Journal)报道,这座38.45万平方英尺的工厂预计将生产1辆汽车.每年生产5千兆瓦的太阳能电池板.S. 到2025年,产能将达到5千兆瓦. The company also plans to strengthen the region’s manufacturing and technology workforce by partnering with local universities and colleges to offer an internship program.  了解更多关于休斯顿在可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载领域的领导地位.  


[Hga010皇冠软件下载]- dnv, 独立的皇冠HGA010官方下载专家和保证提供商, has validated a new methodology for the certification of net carbon dioxide removals delivered using bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). 由可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载先驱Drax和Stockholm Exergi开发的方法已得到DNV的验证, 一个提供世界知名测试的组织, 为皇冠HGA010官方下载部门提供认证和技术咨询服务.  The methodology demonstrates compliance with ISO standards and gives buyers of carbon dioxide removals (CDRs) delivered using bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) confidence in their integrity.  该方法还支持cdr自愿碳市场的发展, 谁将在这些技术的推广和“零排放净值”的实现中发挥重要作用. DNV认可Drax和Stockholm Exergi开发的方法, 是一个重要的里程碑, 将支持和启用BECCS的部署, 这是两家公司都计划部署的一项重要的气候保护技术.  The comprehensive methodology validated by DNV will ensure there is a rigorous approach which will provide confidence in the quality and sustainability of CDRs from BECCS – a vital technology due to its ability to deliver reliable renewable energy as well as millions of tons of carbon dioxide removals.   This technology is widely acknowledged by leading authorities on climate change as being essential to efforts to address global warming, 然而,到目前为止,还没有一套全面的最佳实践衡量标准, 报告和核实BECCS交付的碳去除量.   Setting rigorous standards that give buyers confidence in the quality and sustainability of CDRs will be essential in efforts to scale the market for high-integrity credits from BECCS.   The methodology Drax and Stockholm Exergi have developed provides a comprehensive and conservative framework with which to quantify the net carbon dioxide removals delivered. Its validation by DNV demonstrates that it complies with ISO14064:2 (International Organization for Standardization) standards.  “Technology based Carbon Dioxide Removal techniques such as BECCS have a critical role to play in the delivery of Net Zero. Drax and Stockholm Exergi have collaborated to develop a robust methodology to both quantify the volumes of Carbon Dioxide removed from the atmosphere and define safeguards to ensure the sustainability of such techniques. DNV采用了全面的流程来验证该方法是否符合ISO 14064-2, 包括利益相关者参与程序,以确保考虑利益相关者团体的意见.——DNV皇冠HGA010官方下载系统增长、创新和数字化高级副总裁Lucy Craig 该方法是迄今为止最彻底的,纳入了可持续性保障措施, giving confidence to CDR buyers and investors and has been submitted into the EU’s consultation process for a carbon removal certification framework.   经过验证的方法是由BECCS技术的两位领导者共同发起的, spelling out a new framework for high-integrity permanent removals with guardrails to ensure sustainable use of biomass and a conservative quantification of net removals.  Drax aims to become the global leader in delivering large-scale and high-integrity carbon removals and it’s UK BECCS project secured development consent from the UK government earlier this year. “至关重要的是,Hga010皇冠软件下载要有可信的, transparent and trustworthy standards in place if we are to scale the market for carbon dioxide removals (CDRs) and reach the volume needed to keep warming to 1.5摄氏度. Drax is proud to be pioneering this comprehensive methodology which aims to set the standard for CDRs delivered by BECCS, 并提供政府, 以客户和市场所需要的信心投资于高诚信持久的信用.——Drax商务总监Angela Hepworth 斯德哥尔摩皇冠HGA010官方下载公司计划建造欧洲首个使用BECCS的大型碳清除设施.   “有了这个倡议, Hga010皇冠软件下载希望定义并加速可持续BECCS的发展, provide clarity to off-takers of Carbon Removal Units on the Voluntary Carbon Market and reach out to all other BECCS developers to join the initiative to drive a convergence of standards. 只有当Hga010皇冠软件下载能够避免市场分裂,并达成一个强有力的, sustainable standard for BECCS will market demand be unleashed and the permanent removals industry scale to the levels deemed necessary by the IPCC to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.——Erik Rylander,斯德哥尔摩Exergi BECCS商务总监 新的方法看起来是行业领先的, principle-led方法, which can be taken on and developed further by standard setters to enable a robust and rigorous measurement of net removals.   完整的方法可以在这里找到.   欲了解更多信息,请联系:格兰特斯托克,通讯经理  艾凡:格兰特.stoker@drax.com T:  318.376.3358




大休斯顿伙伴关系, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI) and the Center for Houston's Future invite you to the annual Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 presented by Shell USA, 公司. …
