
Houston Forecasted to Add Approximately 57,000 Jobs in 2024, Returning to Sustainable Pace

由Ernesto Becerra于2023年12月6日出版


休斯顿(12月. 7, 2023) — The Greater Houston Partnership forecasts the Houston region will see job growth in 2024, 虽然速度较慢, 比如利率, 劳动力市场吃紧和商业房地产市场动荡给经济带来压力.

在合伙人的预测中, 该地区预计将增加57个,600个工作岗位, 在大流行后创纪录的就业增长之后,恢复到更可持续的速度. Houston added nearly 200,000 more jobs than it did before the pandemic as of October 2023. 

“The Houston region has been running at a sprint ever since emerging from the pandemic. So, 而明年的增长将会放缓, 休斯顿的经济依然富有弹性,伙伴关系首席经济学家帕特里克·扬科夫斯基说. 

根据预报, 2024年的失业将发生在建筑行业, 金融保险, 信息, 而房地产行业则受到利率上升的影响, 更严格的贷款标准和持续的劳动力短缺.

越来越多的经济学家一致认为,美国经济正在复苏.S. will skirt a recession next year after the long-awaited recession never materialized this year. According to the Wall Street Journal’s latest quarterly survey of business and academic economists, 他们认为明年经济衰退的可能性为48%, 这是自2022年以来首次低于50%.

但也有人担心,美国以外的地区可能会发生一些事件.S. 美联储的控制,比如美国的地缘政治,仍可能引发经济衰退. Houston’s economy is directly tied to the national economy and will almost certainly follow the U.S. 陷入衰退.

A sector-by-sector breakdown of the jobs forecast and the factors impacting each industry can be found in the 完整的报告.




5月2日, 2024)— All metrics indicate Houston’s global economy is positioned for continued success, 根据Greater Houston Partnership的2024年全球休斯顿报告. 这份报告, which provides an analysis of the global economy and its tie to the Houston region, illustrates how Houston’s international activity in 2023 continued to set records: The Houston-Galveston Customs District continues to rank first in the country in tonnage handled (exports and imports) with over 404.货物和大宗商品700万吨,同比增长6.从2022年起增长4%. 休斯顿-加尔维斯顿海关区以344美元的总额排名第一.50亿美元,连续第二年. 休斯顿领先美国.S. 在出口方面,运费超过175美元.50亿美元的商品和日用品. 外国直接投资(FDI)依然强劲, 有52家外资企业计划搬迁,增幅为18%, 展开或开始操作, 超过了2022年宣布的44个项目. 休斯顿机场系统处理了12架飞机.6 million international passengers, finally surpassing pre-COVID levels and setting a record. For the second consecutive year, international migration accounted for the largest share (37.占该地区人口增长的6%. The region attracted 52,500 migrants in 2023, an increase of more than 10% compared to 2022. 根据报告, 贸易争端, supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions remain as global challenges in 2024. 幸运的是, foreign governments recognize Houston’s pivotal role in global trade and foreign investment. 而经济学家预计,未来一年的经济增长将略有放缓, Houston's robust ties to global markets and the ongoing growth of our major trading partners will continue to support our economy," said Partnership Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of Research Patrick Jankowski. “Hga010皇冠软件下载对休斯顿全球经济的实力和弹性仍然充满信心." The Global Houston report also provides additional statistics and 信息 about Houston’s international business ties and ranks the region’s top 20 trade partners. 休斯顿十大贸易伙伴及2023年贸易额: 中国——31美元.80亿美元,低于去年的32亿美元.2022年10亿美元. 墨西哥——28美元.70亿美元,低于之前的32亿美元.2022年1000亿美元. 荷兰——26美元.50亿美元,高于2022年的190亿美元. 韩国——22美元.90亿美元,低于去年的240亿美元.2022年将达到70亿美元. 巴西——15美元.60亿美元,低于之前的20亿美元.2022年将达到30亿美元. 德国——15美元.10亿美元,高于之前的15亿美元.2022年1000亿美元. 日本——13美元.10亿美元,低于14亿美元.2022年达到20亿美元. 英国——13美元.10亿美元,低于之前的15亿美元.2022年达到90亿美元. 印度——13美元.从15亿美元降至1000亿美元.2022年50亿美元. 新加坡——11美元.40亿美元,低于去年的14亿美元.2022年1000亿美元.


Houston continues to evolve as a premier destination for life sciences and biomanufacturing through a multifaceted strategy that capitalizes on its existing strengths and fosters innovation and growth.   自1945年成立以来, the Texas Medical Center has evolved into a vast medical district spanning 5 square miles  and serving over ten million patients annually.  德克萨斯医疗中心内有60多家机构, 作为休斯顿协作生态系统的催化剂, 比如细胞治疗制造中心, JLABS@TMC和CUBIO. This helps set the stage for groundbreaking research and provides direct access to nearly 5,000个正在进行的临床试验, 这是创新的一大福音.   Recent years have witnessed significant strides in laying a robust foundation for Houston's position as a leader in innovative life sciences and biotechnology. These efforts came into focus last month at Bisnow’s 生命科学 Evolution event, 与生命科学行业的领导者一起, real estate and innovation envisioning the future growth of the Houston life sciences market. 作为优势共享的资产包括获得临床试验的机会, 商业环境, 劳动力努力和生活质量.   “能够接触到患者群体对成功至关重要, 尤其是多元化的人口,莫尼克·奈特, Portal 创新s的博士说. “There’s a key benefit to have access to these clinical trials and the expertise involved, 而且住得离科学发展的地方很近.”   立法行为, such as the passage of Proposition 10 in November which provides new incentives for medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, 提高区域竞争力和经济前景. 另外, 对劳动力发展的投资, exemplified by collaborations between educational institutions and industry partners like San Jacinto College and the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT), 确保未来有一个熟练的人才库.  “与公司的关系, 大学和高中是一体的,” Pearland EDC Vice President Brian Malone said on the panel at Bisnow discussing suburban life sciences growth. “We’ve really worked hard on that with a business retention plan to find out what type of training and what type of workers these companies need.”   此外, substantial real estate investments further support life sciences research and development. TMC’s Helix Park opened in 2023 with the TMC Collaborative Building and industry research hub Dynamic One, 新租户休斯顿卫理公会租了75号,800平方英尺. 就在医疗区北边, 海恩斯的Levit Green目前租赁了近300辆,000 square feet of purpose-built lab and office space as part of a future 53-acre district. 在地铁的东北侧, McCord’s master-planned Generation Park recently broke ground on a new Center for 生物技术 in partnership with San Jacinto College. 在森林里, 亚历山大正在把科技森林广场8800号开发成325号,000平方英尺的A级空间.   Initiatives such as the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) and a thriving innovation ecosystem further reinforce the city's position at the forefront of bioscience breakthroughs and economic impact.  拥有战略优势,比如一流的港口, 多样化的人口, 以及进入全球市场的可能性, Houston is poised to further elevate its status as a hub for life sciences innovation. 随着休斯顿继续推进其生命科学和生物技术领域, 合作和增长的机会比比皆是, driving progress in public health and driving the next wave of bioscience innovation.   探索休斯顿充满活力的生命科学生态系统.  




The Greater Houston Partnership invites you to the Future of the Houston Region on Wednesday, 5月29日, 以布拉索里亚县为特色! 由12个县组成的大休斯顿地区是美国最大的…
