

2017年10月24日,A.J. Mistretta

HX创业基金将面向商界投资, 促进企业间的紧密合作, 创业公司和创新者.

休斯顿(10月. 24, 2017) — Houston Exponential today announced the launch of the Houston region’s first venture capital fund of funds, HX风险基金. 基金的基金旨在为投资者获得有吸引力的回报, appeal to leading venture capital firms to offer their expertise and risk capital to the region, 并为企业之间的创新和信息流动创造一条途径, 创业公司和创新者.

An investment committee and fund manager are in place to evaluate venture firms for placement of the funds. 基金经理将由经验丰富的基金经理中的基金经理吉列尔莫•博尔达担任. Borda曾担任过各种风险投资和私募股权投资职位, including managing capital via large fund-of-funds for four of the largest public pension funds in the U.S.

“休斯顿是一个创新的城市, and the launch of the fund of funds will take it to the next level in terms of competing with other cities globally for startups and talent,博尔达说。. “我期待着担任这个令人兴奋的新角色, 并帮助进一步支持休斯顿的创新经济.”

Insperity, 基金的基金的主要发起人, contributed the necessary runway capital to launch and support the daily operations of the fund through the formation period.

We are proud to take part in this effort to increase venture capital investment in our area, helping to support the strong entrepreneurial spirit that exists in Houston and providing a necessary boost for startups to thrive,保罗·J说。. Sarvadi是Insperity的联合创始人、董事长兼首席执行官. “Insperity致力于帮助企业更好地运营, 增长更快,赚更多的钱,这与HX风险基金的目标完全吻合, Hga010皇冠软件下载很自豪能在大休斯顿地区发起这一倡议中发挥作用.”

布莱尔Garrou, 休斯顿风险投资公司Mercury Fund的联合创始人兼董事总经理, Houston Exponential的董事会成员, 将担任HX创投基金顾问委员会主席.

“The HX Venture Fund will invest in venture capital funds outside of Houston – generating investment and interest in the region while increasing the investable capital available to Houston-based startups,加鲁说. “The HX Venture Fund is built upon a proven model that provides multiple benefits to its investors.”

HX风险基金是根据Chris Rizik创立的最佳实践模式成立的, 密歇根州复兴风险投资基金的首席执行官兼基金经理. Financial returns for Renaissance over nine years have outperformed national benchmarks for rate of return and rate of profit distributions. The fund ranks in the top quartile for venture capital fund of funds and is now rated “investment grade,,也就是养老基金, 捐赠基金和基金会可能仅以回报为基础投资文艺复兴. Rizik has been advising the Partnership and the Mayor’s Task Force on the creation of HX风险基金, 并将在基金的基金投资委员会任职.

“I’ve spoken to many cities about Renaissance’s fund of funds model and the impact it has had on Michigan,瑞兹克说. “What I see happening in Houston – the momentum of Houston Exponential and the city’s growing innovation ecosystem – is exciting. 休斯顿拥有成功的“基金的基金”的所有要素, 特别是凭借其企业基础和研究机构的实力.”

休斯顿是美国第四大城市.S., but is not currently ranked among the top 20 startup communities across the country by several measures including venture capital investment and number of startups. 根据考夫曼基金会2013年对测量高科技创业公司密度的地铁的研究, 休斯顿是唯一的美国.S. 曼城将从排名中彻底出局.

The Greater Houston Partnership convened the 创新 Roundtable in 2016 to help drive Houston’s innovation ecosystem forward. 作为这项努力的一部分, Accenture conducted an in-depth study of Houston’s innovation ecosystem and those of peer cities across the country. 创新圆桌会议采纳了埃森哲研究报告的建议, 以及市长技术与创新特别工作组的建议, 建立休斯顿指数的结构和战略. Accenture then developed the playbook for Houston Exponential following best practices models and tailoring them to the unique characteristics of Houston.




Fulshear, 这是本德堡县一个繁华的社区, 已经有了显著的增长, 成为全国增长第二快的城市. 根据美国.S. 富尔希尔的人口增加了25人.2023年为6%. The Greater Houston Partnership’s monthly report also shows that Fulshear’s population has grown by over 70 percent since 2021, 超过42个,000居民.   以适应持续的增长, 许多新项目正在开发中, 为居民提供居住场所, 工作和娱乐. 富尔希尔枢纽(Fulshear Junction)就是其中之一,最近宣布有126家.9英亩的综合开发项目. 位于fm1093以北,沃利斯街以西, 该项目将带来251个单户住宅,并以各种商店为特色, 餐厅, 办公室, 公园, 休闲区和日托设施, 根据社区影响.   单击展开 另外, Fulshear网关, a 20,000平方英尺的零售中心, 最近在沃利斯路和fm359的交叉口破土动工, 在市中心附近. 该开发项目将有三栋建筑, 特色的混合餐厅, 零售, 医疗美容服务. 根据社区影响,预计建设将于2025年完成.   单击展开 与此同时, developers are also addressing the influx of new residents by launching master-planned communities to meet the demand. 十字溪西(Cross Creek West)是一个占地1258英亩的开发项目,建成后将增加3000多套住房. 另外, Cross Creek Ranch, a 3,200-acre community, will bring over 5,000 homes to the area.  继续吸引人, 企业和开发商来到该地区, the city recently proposed a nearly $70 million Capital Improvement Plan for projects in fiscal year 2024-25. 这个计划包括各种各样的项目, 包括排水, 设施, 园区与科技, 街道和交通, 水务及污水处理措施. 值得注意的是,该计划拨出的资金最多,为40美元.8200万美元用于污水处理项目. 拟议的排水资金包括市区东区排水项目, 该项目旨在消除企业现场拘留的必要性. 另外, 该市还在努力增加混凝土路面, 从FM 1093到第五街的步行街广场和街道停车场, 使该地区更适合步行. Construction on Harris Street is set to begin this summer and is expected to be completed in 2025. “(Hga010皇冠软件下载)希望看到混合使用的生活方式类型的地方, 在哪里Hga010皇冠软件下载将有零售店和餐馆,以及为Hga010皇冠软件下载年轻的家庭做的事情, Hga010皇冠软件下载的青少年——实际上是各个年龄段的每个人,瓜达卢佩说, 富尔希尔发展公司经济发展部主任在一份声明中说. “Hga010皇冠软件下载从哈里斯街开始, 但Hga010皇冠软件下载的希望是真正做到所有的市中心, 一次走一条街, 所以Hga010皇冠软件下载可以真正看到它的生命.”  了解更多关于富尔希尔持续增长的信息. 


The Greater Houston Partnership has been awarded Site Selection Magazine’s Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 for its outstanding regional economic development performance in 2023. Widely considered to be the gold standard recognition for regions from the industry’s top trade publication, 该奖项是根据以下标准颁发的:  总项目 与公司设施项目相关的总投资 与这些公司设施项目相关的总工作岗位 这三个指标的人均计算  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,史蒂夫·基恩说, 合伙公司的总裁兼首席执行官. “这是休斯顿的团队努力, and we are delighted to work with our partner economic development groups across the region to tell the world about Houston and attract new jobs and investment to our community.”  这是该伙伴关系自2021年以来首次获奖,也是第15次获奖. 该伙伴关系曾在2007年获得荣誉奖, 2016年和2017年, bringing the Partnership’s total number of appearances in Site Selection’s top group rankings to 18 since its inception in 1989.  “I am very proud of our organization's recognition of the prestigious Mac Conway Award for Excellence,克雷格·罗兹说, 经济发展部高级副总裁. “It's a testament to the collaborative efforts with our partners across the 12-county region, and it motivates our team to continue our mission of driving inclusive prosperity and creating meaningful opportunities for all."  在2023年取得重大经济发展胜利之后, 大休斯顿地区在2024年第一季度有了一个强劲的开端, 新增139个皇冠HGA010官方下载公告.  A total of 40 businesses established new 设施 in the Houston area while 97 projects were an expansion of existing Houston-area 设施. 制造业占公告的32%, 与专业, 科技服务业排名第二(17%).  了解更多公司选择休斯顿的原因.




以经济学家和行业领袖为特色, the 休斯顿地区经济展望 takes a close look at the core industries driving job growth and economic indicators measuring the strength of our economy.…
