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Houston Universities and Colleges Witnessing Major Growth in Endowments

Published Feb 22, 2024 by Hailea Schultz

Rice University

In recent years, 休斯顿的学术景观见证了大学和学院捐赠基金的显著增长, garnering substantial support from donors for their efforts in driving innovation, advancing research and bolstering the region’s future workforce. 

In 2021, Rice University exemplified this trend by achieving an endowment exceeding $8 billion. Building upon this success in 2022, 该大学通过获得休斯顿地区第二大捐赠资产,保持了其强大的地位, totaling an impressive $7.8 billion, as reported in the university's Endowment Report

These substantial endowment assets serve as the cornerstone of Rice's financial stability, enabling the institution to fuel various initiatives aimed at advancement. 从扩大师资队伍、引进创新项目到建设尖端设施, the university's investments pave the way for groundbreaking research endeavors. 

In 2023, Rice unveiled its most ambitious project yet—the Ralph S. O'Connor Building for Engineering and Science, sprawling 250,000 square-foot facility devoted to research, the university’s largest to date. Designed to foster collaboration among students and researchers, the building promises to be a hub for groundbreaking discoveries. Its realization was made possible by a generous $57 million donation from the founder of Ralph S. O'Connor & Associates. 

圣哈辛托学院是当地大学和学院中捐赠资产增长最快的, jumping from $7.4 million in 2019 to $25.2 million in 2022, according to the university’s Donor Impact Report.  

In 2021, the college received its most substantial donation in history, a $30 million contribution from philanthropist Mackenzie Scott. 这笔礼物现在支持学生成功基金捐赠基金,以扩大承诺@圣杰克奖学金, which provides free tuition to recent graduates from local ISDs. 

Additionally, in 2023, the college received $1.从休斯顿捐赠基金获得了500万美元,以推出其第二个学士学位——教育应用科学学士学位,重点是幼儿教育, which aims to fill the region’s teacher shortage.  

As these institutions continue to see a rapid flow of philanthropic investments, 捐赠基金的增长在增加学生受教育的机会和资源方面起着关键作用. Simultaneously, 这将成为吸引顶尖人才和培养熟练毕业生的催化剂,以满足该地区不断变化的劳动力需求. 

Learn more about Houston’s universities and colleges.  

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Houston Investing in Its Future Hydrogen Workforce with New Development Strategy

随着休斯顿氢经济的发展,通过缩小经济差距来解决日益扩大的技能差距将是至关重要的. To address this opportunity, the Greater Houston Partnership's UpSkill Houston initiative, 埃森哲和休斯顿未来中心(CHF)发起了一项新的劳动力发展计划,旨在通过培训和技能发展弥合技能差距,帮助弱势社区(DACs)的人们在新兴的氢经济中获得好工作. According to the executive summary of a forthcoming white paper, the strategy will target high-demand and good-paying, middle-skilled hydrogen jobs through a skill-matching process based on skill transferability, among other factors, as well as tailored learning journeys that will provide pathways from education to employment. This will require collaborating with key stakeholders across the hydrogen economy, including local industry employers, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations. The list of partners includes Air Liquide, Chevron, bp, Bloom Energy, Calpine, Dow, HIG, Linde, Shell, SLB, Brazosport College, Houston Community College, Lee College, Lone Stage College, San Jacinto College, United Way of Greater Houston and Gulf Coast Workforce Solutions. 学习之旅将帮助人们提高收入潜力,并通过直接接触氢行业来提供职业稳定. “休斯敦和墨西哥湾沿岸氢能产业的未来增长为该地区提供了与企业和行业合作的机会,以重新连接进入氢能行业的人才途径,并为历史上服务不足的社区的居民增加经济流动性和机会.” - Peter Beard, SVP, Regional Workforce Development 该联盟旨在与社区利益相关者和教育机构合作,将高中的职业和技术教育(CTE)与社区大学的双学分结合起来. 与大学和学区的持续合作也将支持成人短期项目的发展.  The new initiative follows the U.S. Department of Energy’s selection of the Gulf Coast as one of seven regional clean hydrogen hubs, with operations centered in Houston. Brett Perlman, President of the Center for Houston’s Future, 表示雇主必须实施包容性的劳动力战略,以填补技能差距,并通过从整个社区招聘人才来动员一支可持续规模的劳动力队伍. 埃森哲的研究发现,与其他职业和行业高度相关的技能将需要大量的氢皇冠HGA010官方下载工作. “要实现这一目标,需要非常有目的性地把握这些机会的交叉点... working across the ecosystem,” said Mary Beth Gracy, Houston Office Managing Director of Accenture, during a presentation of the strategy. 研究结果还预测,在未来5到10年,休斯顿清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载氢经济中的中等技能工作岗位将稳步上升, especially in carbon capture and storage (CCS), as well as consistent growth in manufacturing, application, storage, distribution and production as demand and technology advances. Robert Nunmaker, General Manager – Hydrogen, USGC & Europe at Chevron, echoed the report's conclusions. "This region plays a key role in supplying lower-carbon hydrogen and ammonia, which will require a skilled local workforce that will be positioned to execute these projects.” According to research conducted by McKinsey and CHF, 德克萨斯州——以及整个墨西哥湾沿岸地区——已经是美国最大的氢气生产国,拥有超过1万吨的氢气,000 miles of dedicated hydrogen pipelines and 48 hydrogen production plants. The region is also home to a diverse array of energy resources, including a large concentration of academic and industry-driven energy innovation, cutting-edge infrastructure, and a highly skilled workforce. Looking at the future energy mix, hydrogen is anticipated to be twelve percent of the total energy consumption by 2050, according to the IEA. In its Houston as a Hydrogen Hub – 2050 Snapshot report, the Center for Houston’s Future predicts that 170,000 potential direct, indirect and induced jobs could be created in the hydrogen economy, as well as an additional $100 billion for Texas’ gross domestic product. Learn more about UpSkill Houston.
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Rice University President Unveils Top Priorities, Research Initiatives

莱斯大学校长雷吉·德罗奇(Reggie DesRoches)深入研究了该机构的变革性进步, 将研究和社区合作确定为该伙伴关系年度教育状况的首要重点.  Supporting nearly 9,000 students, 赖斯大学是该地区高等教育生态系统的重要组成部分,是建设休斯顿未来劳动力的催化剂. To better serve Houston’s community and key industries, 赖斯大学在战略上加大了在该机构内推进有影响力的研究的努力. These efforts include a significant 20% augmentation of undergraduate and graduate students, 增加了200名教职员工,并成立了一个致力于皇冠HGA010官方下载转型研究的最先进的设施——拉尔夫S. O’Connor Building for Engineering and Science.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载研究的重点不仅仅是进行研究,还要对该地区和更大的社区产生影响,” said DesRoches. 德罗奇强调,赖斯大学还在努力增加专注于博士课程的研究生人数, which will further expand the institution’s research initiatives. 推动更有影响力的研究,巩固大学作为领先创新中心的地位, DesRoches pointed to collaboration. 通过当地实体和组织的支持和合作,如Ion Houston和绿城实验室, 赖斯建立了许多开创性的项目,如皇冠HGA010官方下载创业交流项目. 这些努力强调了该大学致力于在休斯顿及其他地区培养研究和创新. As a true testament of research and collaboration, Rice recently partnered with Houston Methodist to open the Center for Human Performance; a 6,000-square-foot research facility located in Rice’s Tudor Fieldhouse. The new facility aims to propel research focusing on injury prevention and recovery, improving overall health across the region.  However, 赖斯认为,利用德克萨斯医疗中心作为一种资源,深化其在健康科学方面的参与,可以释放出更多的潜力, aiming for elevated contributions to the field. “(莱斯大学)的研究和开发是技术进步的关键驱动力, which helps us attract businesses seeking to leverage the latest innovations to Houston," said Partnership President and CEO Bob Harvey.  Learn more about Houston’s Higher Education Institutions.
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