

2018年5月18日由A.J. Mistretta

New report from the Partnership identifies key risks, outlines international trade ties.

(休斯敦)5月18日, 2018年,尽管近年来皇冠HGA010官方下载行业疲软, Houston’s economy has been buoyed by rising international investment and trade. 然而, 这种紧密的全球联系也带来了一系列风险, 在不久的将来,一些力量可能会影响该地区的经济, 根据大休斯顿合作组织的一份新报告.

在2018年的全球休斯顿, Partnership Senior Vice President of Research Patrick Jankowski outlines several risks that could impact Houston’s growth, 包括国际贸易政策的变化, 减缓国际移民,改变或取消北美自由贸易协定. 休斯顿大约17%的经济与出口有关, 几乎是2003年的两倍, 根据布鲁金斯学会. 布鲁金斯学会也估计超过330人,000个工作岗位与出口有关, 从169个开始,10万年前. 另外, 5人以上,休斯顿地区有1000家公司从事全球贸易, 是20世纪80年代从事国际贸易的人数的三倍.

Partnership President and CEO Bob Harvey says Houston has become a great global city with strong international ties. “Hga010皇冠软件下载的城市是全国最多元化的城市, a place w在这里 one in four residents is foreign born and dozens of languages are spoken,哈维说. “But t在这里 are risks that come with being such a high-profile international hub and this report gives us some insight into what to look out for in Houston’s near future.”

休斯顿仍然是外国投资的好地方. 国际买家投资了3美元.仅在2017年,当地商业地产就价值30亿美元. Couple that with the Partnership hosting 155 trade delegations from 46 nations last year, and it’s clear t在这里 is strong and growing interest in Houston as a place for foreign entities to establish a foothold or expand in the U.S. 扬科夫斯基说:“但钟摆是双向摆动的。. “Global trade faces more uncertainty today than at any other time in the last decade. Hga010皇冠软件下载绝不是在预测衰退即将来临, 但这是谨慎的, 鉴于Hga010皇冠软件下载之间的联系如此紧密, 考察海外事件如何影响本地区的经济健康.”

除了总结各种风险, the report offers a compilation of major trade and international relations statistics as well as profiles on Houston’s top international trading partners.


  • 休斯顿/加尔维斯顿海关区处理了160起案件.去年的出口量为800万吨,比2016年增长了19%.
  • The Houston/Galveston Customs District is ranked the 7th busiest in the nation by dollar value.
  • 15个外国政府在休斯敦设有贸易和商业办事处.
  • 去年有超过4.3万人从海外移居休斯顿.
  • Forty-one foreign-owned firms opened or expanded operations in the region last year, 而2016年只有25个.
  • 休斯顿的公司有3家以上,在116个国家设有1000家子公司, 大于1,在休斯敦有000家公司是外国母公司的子公司.
  • Houston is connected via water to more than 200 ports worldwide and via air to more than 70 foreign markets.


  1. 墨西哥- $20.10亿年
  2. 中国- 18美元.80亿年
  3. 巴西- 12美元.60亿年
  4. 德国- 9美元.60亿年
  5. 荷兰——8美元.60亿年

全球休斯顿的完整副本可供查看和下载 在这里.




Houston has once again topped the rankings of an annual list of America’s Best Cities, 声称在州内排名第一. 全美排名第10,超过达拉斯和奥斯汀.  这份报告, 由国际咨询公司Resonance编制, 对人口超过500的城市进行排名,以宜居性为基础, 可爱与繁荣. The Bayou City has consistently ranked high on Resonance’s list over the years, placing No. 2023年是第9位,2023年是第9位. 11 in 2022, 因其文化多样性而备受赞誉, 获奖餐厅场景, 财富500强企业的数量和生活质量.  Houston’s population gains can be attributed to its quality of life and strong economy. 根据大休斯顿合伙公司的分析, 休斯顿增加了近140人,到2023年将有1万名居民, 这标志着美国人口增长率第二高.S. 地铁.  奥斯汀可能会得到关注, but the promise of the Lone Star State drawing Californians and New Yorkers is quietly being fulfilled in Houston,报告说。.  This year’s report again recognizes Houston as one of the most diverse cities in the nation, 四分之一的居民在国外出生,有超过145种语言, 赢得第一名. 在该报告的文化类别中排名第21位. 该报告还强调了这座城市丰富的国际节日, 世界级的博物馆和文化中心, 包括将于明年开放的新伊斯玛仪中心.  休斯顿的餐饮环境在报告的餐厅分类中排名第四, 排在旧金山等热门美食目的地之前, 拉斯维加斯和迈阿密. 这座城市因其多样化的菜肴而赢得赞誉, described in the report as “Southern Soul and barbecue with Mexican that’s then seasoned with global cuisine.今年早些时候, 11 Houston restaurants and chefs were named semifinalists for the 2024 James Beard Awards.   该报告还称赞了休斯顿强劲的经济,排名第一. 财富500强企业数量和专利数量位居全国第三. 休斯顿有26家财富500强企业, 使其成为全国第三大财富500强总部中心. 作为商业发展和机遇的枢纽, 休斯顿最近还被评为最适合发展企业的城市, 根据RevOps团队的一项新研究.  另外, Resonance recognized the Bayou City for its leadership in the global energy transition, with an estimated $250 billion in potential investment in the region over the next 15 years, 根据麦肯锡最近的一份报告. 该报告还强调了休斯顿作为太空城的声誉, 提到了关键的设施和投资,比如休斯顿太空港, 它是由获得nasa合同的公司Axiom Space主持的, 柯林斯航空航天和直觉机器公司.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息.  


在太阳能发电和风能发电能力方面处于全国领先地位, 不可否认,德州已经成为可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载的中心. 作为世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, 休斯顿一直走在该州成功的前沿, 连续中标重大项目.  根据合作伙伴的休斯顿事实报告, 该地区的可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载产业占近13%,2022年将有1000个工作岗位. To bolster growth in this sector and enhance Houston’s leadership in the global energy transition, the 大休斯顿伙伴关系 is actively working to attract renewable energy companies to the region, 协助搬迁及扩建工程. 根据伙伴关系分析, the organization saw a 400% increase in the number of energy transition projects it won between 2018 and 2023.  The Partnership has recently assisted in several significant project wins for the region, 包括可再生零件, 一家风力涡轮机供应链和翻新公司. The company announced it selected Humble for the location of its new parts recirculation workshop to meet the growing demand in the North American market. The new facility is expected to create at least 18 jobs with $700,000 in capital expenditures.   “作为一家企业,靠近休斯顿对Hga010皇冠软件下载来说很重要, as 德州 has a thriving wind industry and an abundance of turbines that we have vast experience on,迈克尔·福布斯说。, 可再生零部件美国总统, "and Houston is widely considered the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Capital of the World - a great opportunity for us to find good people and collaborate with some of the many great businesses that are located t在这里."  Renewable Parts is one of many international companies that have chosen to expand to the Houston suburbs, attracted by the ample space for large-scale facilities and the close proximity to Houston's major transportation hubs, 包括休斯顿港和乔治布什洲际机场.  "Renewable Parts' decision to establish their North American operations in Humble, 德州, 进一步证明了休斯顿地区强大的基础设施, 熟练的劳动力和无与伦比的行业专业知识,克雷格·罗兹说, 高级副总裁经济发展, 大休斯顿伙伴关系. “This new facility will bolster the local economy and help drive the advancement of renewable energy in North America."  Triveni涡轮机, 一家印度制造公司, assembles and repairs rotating equipment for power generation was another major win for the Partnership last month. 该公司最近签署了一份租赁合同,000平方英尺的办公和制造空间,位于休斯敦西北部,靠近FM 529. The facility will create 40 jobs and have the potential for further expansion in three to five years.  另外, 帝国之星太阳能, 这是一家在亚洲和柬埔寨都有皇冠HGA010官方下载的太阳能制造商, 将开设第一家美国.S. 位于Tomball交汇处249商业园区的制造工厂. According to the Houston Business Journal, the 384,500 square foot facility is expected to produce 1.每年生产5千兆瓦的太阳能电池板.S. 到2025年,产能将达到5千兆瓦. The company also plans to strengthen the region’s manufacturing and technology workforce by partnering with local universities and colleges to offer an internship program.  了解更多关于休斯顿在可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载领域的领导地位.  




The Port of Houston is renowned as a strategic gateway to the world and plays a vital role in facilitating international trade and driving economic growth. 作为全国外运吨位最大的港口,港…
